This photo I believe to be
the family of August & Bridget Hartmann.
The girl sitting at the back, is the same girl as in another photo,
and has
been identified as "Disky" Ladiska Amelia Hartmann.
The lad at the back standing, is the same lad identified in another photo as Victor Hartmann. (see photo below right)
The small girl on the left looks about 2 years old. It just seems odd in this case, that Helena thier sister would not have been photographed with her siblings, as she would have been still alive at this time.
If the photo was taken in 1889 the children's ages would have been -
The children from left to right, back
row first:
Victor b 1874 aged about 15
Ladiska b 1873 aged about 16
Leo b 1878 aged about 11
Ilma b 1887 aged about 2
Edwin b 1877 aged about 12
Elsie b 1885 aged about 4
Hulbert b 1880 aged about 9
Have you any ideas to share on this photo?
I have now had them idendified as
the family of August & Bridget
Victor, & Ladiska
Hulbert, Elsie, Leo, Ilma & Edwin
Photo on the left is from Glen Innes History House, on the reverse side is written-
Standing l to r:
Hedwig Hartmann, Disky Hartmann
Sitting l to r: Meta Hartmann, Olga Hartmann & Belle
Hedwig, Meta & Olga are sisters,
and the daughters of Hermann & Louisa Hartmann.
They were also the first cousins of Disky Hartmann.
Belle Palfrey was a friend. Her full name was Arabella
Palfrey and she married George Ross
in 1890 at Emmaville. She also appears in other family photos.
Notice Ladiska's dress is the same as in the photo above.
This photo was in the possession of a Westerweller
descendant, so I firmly believe it to be Ladiska Amelia Hartmann.
On the bottom of the photo is written
- A Hartmann Warialda
This would stand for August Hartmann, as the photographer, and
Warialda was were he was when Ladiska was married. Warialda is
only a very short distance from Bingara.
Her face is so similar to the younger
version in the above photo. It might well have
been her engagement or wedding photo.
Below is another photo I believe to be Disky Hartmann.
Would appreciate any thoughts
and ideas.
Also another photo from History House, Glen Innes,
written on the reverse side:
Disky Hartmann, possessor of a beautiful voice.
At this time she would have been Mrs J H King. It does not carry the same striking resemblance of her in the other photos, when she was younger, but features do change with time.
I would
be interested to hear from anyone who has any information or photographs
on any of these families. You can write to me at .
<jvbryant at halenet dot com dot au>.