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Halenet Web Services |
HaleNET Domain Name Services
Plan |
Cost |
Recurring Fee Interval |
.com.au Domain Name Registration |
$137.50 inc GST |
every 2 years |
.net.au Domain Name Registration |
$137.50 inc GST |
every 2 years |
.asn.au Domain Name Registration |
$137.50 inc GST |
every 2 years |
.com Domain Name Registration |
$77.00 inc GST |
every 2 years |
.name other Domain Name Registration |
$77.00 inc GST |
Every 2 years |
other Domain Name Registration |
$POA |
Every 2 years |
Note. HaleNET recommends and uses Internet Names World Wide (formally MelbourneIT) for all domain name registrations. While INWW is marginally more expensive than some of the cheap registrars, they are contactable, they are in Australia and also have a proven track record. Our experience with the cheapies is that when you need them they are either uncontactable or have gone out of business. For this reason we strongly suggest customers look no further than INWW.
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